1. This Memorial Day weekend, we will take part in the local parade and ceremony to Honor those brave men and women who serve this great land of the United States of America! This is what it is all about this weekend, remember?
2. A Dear Friend of ours passed away at the age of 109, just 2 weeks short of her 110th birthday! We will be celebrating her very long life on her birthday.
3. I wish that the people of this great land could put aside their personal and political differences long enough to realize that WE ARE ONE! It doesn't matter to me where you come from, what you look like, what your belief system is, where you live, or whether or not you eat meat. We all come from the same life force...YES, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED...SO PLEASE GET OUT THERE AND ACT LIKE IT! COMPASSION, KINDNESS ARE ALL IT TAKES. Take the ego out of it...it's that simple! And please do thank a Veteran...not only this weekend, but every chance you get! I DO!
4. I always have great plans in Spring for my gardens. And then the temps rose to 90 degrees, with high humidity, and well, it feels more like the lazy days of summer, and a whole lotta nothing gets done.
5. Memorial Day is very special for me. Not only to honor those mentioned in #1, but because it's when my Mom died...and I went into early labor with our 2nd child. Out of state, 1 month early, completely unprepared for giving birth during the middle of the funeral... I like to think that Mother met her new Grandchild in passing, for it was a sad day, yet, I was given something joyful to carry me through the mournful pain of her death. Birth and Death...life goes on!
And you know what... at birth, this beautiful new baby, looked just like my Mom. God works in mysterious ways!