Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Peace On Earth

I am blessed with an online blogger friend who very often sends me these beautiful hand made cards through good old fashioned snail mail, with such great quotes and sentiments, and I wanted to share the one I received today.  From Deborah at Temenos of the Blessing Light.

"Among other wonders of our lives, we are alive with one another, we walk here in the light of this unlikely world that isn't ours for long.  May we spend generously the time we are given.  May we enact our responsibilities as thoroughly as we enjoy our pleasures.  May we see clarity, may we seek a vision that serves all beings, may we honor the mystery surpassing our sight, and may we hold in our hands the gift of good work and bear it forth whole, as we were borne forth by a power we praise to this one Earth, this homeland of all we love."
                                                    - John Daniels

So, at this time of year, look within, and may you find the peace.  

A great big MAHALO to Deborah for including me in your journey of Peace and Joy and Love throughout the Universe.



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