Giving...Giving Thanks...Thankfulness...Gratitude...Blessed Be...Loved...
Truly, when one awakens to a brand new day, whether the sun is shining, or the rain is falling, or the cold winds blow a pretty white flurry of snow flakes through the atmosphere, it is a day for Giving Thanks!
Always show kindness. Now something we always do as a family, and I mean always, unless of course an 18-wheeler pulls up behind us at the toll booth, (you'll get that in just a bit) is, we pay the bridge toll for the vehicle behind us when crossing the river. (It costs much more, per axle in fact, if a tractor trailer pulls up behind you to cross the bridge.)
This is the first time the middle child has ventured off away from home for Thanksgiving. And just before leaving the house, suitcase in hand, stopped to double check that there was enough cash at the ready to pay the bridge toll for the car behind her as she went over the river and through the woods, this Thanksgiving Day.
Now, think about this; depending on the recipient of this very small random act of kindness, the person pulling up to the booth could be so immersed in some mental turmoil full of angst almost ready to stomp the gas pedal and push your vehicle a little faster through this toll booth process.
If that is the case, this simple gesture has instantly, without warning, transformed the negative mindset of this stranger into a positive vibration first made obvious by a smile...a genuine smile that comes naturally when a happiness occurs. A complete 180!
I'd like to think that this angry person, ok maybe just a tad cranky, with their own toll cash at the ready to toss out to the toll taker, forks that cash over for the car directly behind him, just because he's still so stunned by having his toll paid for. And maybe, this next recipient is in the same "former" state as this lucky individual who was just awarded a sign via the cosmic universe...a very symbolic gesture indeed, that we are all connected...
Now, the case may be that the vehicle, (car, SUV, mini-van, pick-up truck) pulling into the toll booth is already in a happy state of being; singing all the way up to the toll taker, tunes a-blasting. Again, cash at the ready, is now presented with or given a present, via a very simple gesture of a kind soul, who just passed through the booth, and paid your toll...without hesitation you keep on singing, and you do the same!
Yes, pay it backward!