Tuesday, January 2, 2018

SOAR in 2018!!!

This holiday season, has been such a whirlwind...and I really enjoyed every bit of it!  It just comes and goes all too quickly.  And while I was busy on the home front making sure that every little thing was festive and bright for family and friends, I was not able to focus on anything related to the coming of a New Year...2018!  

In the past I have chosen a word that reflected my spirit at the time the New Year rolled around.  I'm not big on resolutions, but a word to guide me throughout the year has been a somewhat grounding force.  This year, a word did not present itself to me, leading me into a bit of a fog...like this old photograph I took years ago. 

I was out and about in the frigid temps of the northeast freeze on New Year's day running the dog around through the woods, and really tuning into the quiet stillness that Mother Nature provided for the day.  I was tapped into the natural sounds of the creaking trees as they blew in the high winds, for that day the Native Spirit oracle card that chose me was ANCIENT FOREST.
I was breathing in the crisp, clean and very cold air, for the Spirit of Air is what keeps us universally connected to one another.  Yet, a word never did present itself to me...that is until this very morning while looking out my windows into my woods...and it hit me!!!
That is my entire purpose...to SOAR!  Each and every day, I have opportunities, and many choices.  I have many new ideas and projects on the horizon that will allow me to do just that!!!  

S pirit
O rganize
A nalyze
R ealize

And there it is...I will reach...and I will achieve...and I will fulfill all the many dreams that have not been allowed to come to fruition because of the detours and distractions that take place when I am not paying attention to my soul! 
  It's all so clear to me now...ONWARD 2018!!!

With Love and Peace and Great JOY in abundance to one and all!