Monday, August 28, 2017

Where does the time go?

Well, I have no idea how my last post was in May, and the summer has slipped right by me without so much as a summer swim.  Or even a getaway!!!

Being busy is a good thing, especially when it is work related.  And I do love my job.  However, I have learned that busy-ness also has to be accompanied by quiet time.  Turn off the  mind babble.  Peaceful existence requires downtime, plain and simple.

So, make the time to BE in the NOW.  For that really is all we have available to us.  We cannot change yesterday...and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  

Yes, time waits for no each moment to the fullest...starting IN THE NOW!  


"Nothing is worth more than this day."    


  1. So nice to see a post from you. Glad all is well.
    What a beautiful picture!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Time just got away from me, and I can't believe I have not posted in so long! But we are coming up on my favorite time of year...DELICIOUS AUTUMN, and there is always inspiration to post about! See ya soon! Aloha!

  2. I'm with you in amazement that we're in the last weeks of summer. Sometimes I feel like I'm in that peculiar place where you're trying to shift frameworks - like trying to learn the metric system. I think time has shifted to a new system and I'm doggedly trying to measure it in an outdated framework. :-)
